Just a bugfix this time around the release notes are below https://www.ableton.com/en/release-notes/live-12
I am seeing a huge drop off in OBS development both with the program AND… Read the postWhy has OBS development slowed down?
Latest version of Live is out, it is up to 12.0.25. 12.1 is due soon… Read the postAbleton Live updated to 12.0.25
Latest version of Live is out – no real specific changes this time around apart… Read the postAbleton Live updates to 12.0.20
I enjoy livestreaming, I really do. I also used to enjoy watching livestreams, but I… Read the postWhat has happened to livestreaming?
I was recently asked about Windows 11 and working and streaming live by someone. They… Read the postWindows 11 and Live work