Recently had a few discussions about Omnisphere and how people love it. Now me personally, I was never really a big fan, more of a it’s alright but way too expensive but with me revisiting it recently and patching it up to date I thought it was about time to revisit and check out how it stacks up in 2024!
Omnisphere 2 was released in 2015, and to be frank I have to say that is has aged terribly. The great library and sound quality still apply but at $499 it is vastly overpriced these days. You could buy 3 or more other products and get the great sounds and have change! If this is to be your only big purchase then you have to have a lot of money to get the best out of it because the footprint is huge and older and slower systems will struggle. I found performance to be sub par in 2024 with loads of better options in my opinion. It needs to be rewritten to become relevant again. Even Kontakt performs better these days and that is saying something. I just struggle to recommend something that can be sluggish and hang like Omnisphere can and does.

Spectrasonics Omnisphere

Spectrasonics flagship synth product comes with a massive sound library, great sound, but unfortunately an equally massive price tag. It is also slow to navigate around and can lag a lot. Seems like it has been left behind if I’m honest…
Easy to use
Great sounds, huge library
Looks and feels old and slow. Much faster workflows available nowadays. V3 is sorely needed
The library is great, but it is also massive as it is sample based. Plenty of cheaper options can do the same for less money and also less of a footprint on your system
It is a plugin from 2015 that is showing its age. Well revered but should be on an updated version to be relevant
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