Christmas Livestream!

I have decided that I will be doing a Christmas livestream this year, giving everyone a huge amount of notice. I would like it if we have some actual “live” livestreaming going on but also realise that Christmas is a busy time of year for everyone so will of course accept recorded live pieces. I really don’t mind how long or what format these are in but I will be packaging them all up nicely and streaming in the best quality possible – which currently is Youtube in 4K. I will also try and do some vertical streaming this time so everyone gets to watch and stream out to all the main platforms – this means that even Facebook, Tik Tok and Instagram get some love.

Tentatively going for Sunday 22nd December at 7pm for this event. Things may change but I hope not. Let everybody know and let’s make it an event to be remembered!
Much love everybody!

3dcadmin Written by:

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