The continuing war going on between youtube and services which allow access without ads, or downloading or watching, has been intensifying recently and the last week or so it has really boiled over. These wars literally help nobody, as more ads come to youtube, and more and more people try to circumvent the new issues, the only winner is Youtube. If this continues then I can see youtube being a paid for service and that would really make a difference!
Now I have had plenty of discussions about this, and I have said it before, this continued war between ads and payments will only encourage piracy as well. I can see torrents and dodgy download sites beginning to prosper again. I am seeing that you have plenty of “law abiding” people turning to various methods of getting around Tv licences and costs of streaming services. This had all died down when streaming services became available, but as they become more and more expensive, then it had started up again….
As someone I was having a debate with said, without a hint of irony, it is the Streisand effect. Both sides keep getting more and more aggressive and the casual users lose out. Small content creators having to jump through hoops for no results is not what youtube was founded upon!

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