I was pleased recently when the Behringer plugin called Vintage was released. I grabbed it quickly and registered it with no problems, installed and played and that was when the good bits kinda stopped. Why? Because it’s basic, very, very basic. It also sounds like VST instruments from 15 years ago. I was then surprised when it disappeared without a trace, rather like MH370!

So there is Vintage in all of its glory – and it doesn’t look too bad. But wait, there is no arp, no fx, 2 basic oscillators and a sub osc – it just seems a bit flat. This is also what happens when you play it as well – and the tinternet quickly decided that it sounds crap, and told everybody it does as well.
This is exactly what I am hearing is why it was pulled – Behringer saw and heard the feedback, it is pretty much universally poor and just simply pulled it. Now I was a bit more sympathetic, I mean it is FREE and it is the first product in the line of software Behringer is releasing to accompany its new free DAW software and as such if they are released together then I’m pretty sure that this DAW will have fx built in, plus an arp, plus much more – but the damage has been done really. Sure – the product works, seems bug free, but is pretty poor – and this is the issue. There are so many decent VST instruments and fx out there now that releasing something this basic without the DAW to accompany it seems a bit rushed, at least. As I said, if Vintage had come out WITH the DAW then the response would have been much better in my mind…. However – I have to say, that Behringer never did announce this at all! A couple of websites jumped on it, and people found out it would download AND register online and people grabbed it. This is a classic example of a rushed/bodged release and people finding out and taking advantage – me included!
Now here’s a bonus. Mark Jenkins has released a user bank of 100 sounds for Vintage. So if you have got a copy and want 100 free sounds then the link to download them is below. Of course, please credit Mark please for making these sounds available – credit where credit is due!
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